Monday, March 1, 2010

River Flows In You

Hey everyone, So I was able to knock another one off my goal list this past week: # 49. Play a full piano score by Yiruma I decided to learn and play a piece by Yiruma titled "River Flows In You" as this has always been my favorite piece by him and I find it an incredibly beautiful and moving piece. I completed this goal while I was on my vacation when a dear friend came to visit. I promised him that he would be the first one to hear it when I was able to play it through and now that I have I consider it a completed goal ^^ So I hope he enjoyed it <3 I tried to record a video of me playing it this morning and am going to provide it here for your viewing/listening pleasure. I apologize for the not so great sound quality.. I think its just about time for a new digital camera ^^; But I hope you all enjoy it anyways ^^ <3 Also, This will not be identical to Yiruma's version as I do play mostly by ear but I think its a good cover ^^

1 comment:

  1. Sound was really low but very beautiful from what I could hear.
