Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Start of Wii Fit

Hey Everyone,

So I've finally had a chance to start using my new Wii and Wii Fit and testing it out a bit and am really enjoying it so far! ..ive been doing roughly 1-1.5 hours a day on it so far since setting it up..today would be day 3 ^^ I'm really enjoying the aerobics step advanced program and the boxing as well as multiple yoga/strength training exercises and im doing pretty good at it ^^...so far..not so hot on the balance games.. i have a hard time keeping what they deem to be a good center of balance..but oh well practice makes perfect ^^

Have a good night everyone



  1. I love my Wii Fit!!! It's so much fun, you'll have to get Peter doing it so you can try to beat each other's scores. So much fun. :D BB )O(

  2. Haha he's just started using it as well lol.
